Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday by Noah and Henry

Betsy's math class did a paper using factors and multiples to figure out what year Hanukkah began. Kim's math class worked on papers in our folders that needed to be finished. Today we ate lunch with our buddies in Katlyn's class. In drama we played a game using props but we had to use them in unusual ways. In music we played our recorders and listened to Animusic. We made snowflakes on mirror paper in art. Betsy read to us from Home of the Brave and we read our group books. We also designed and described what we thought a Humbug looks like.

Tomorrow we are going to see Christmas Cookies. Friday is Pajama Day.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday by Henry and Noah

Betsy's math class worked on finding the volume of boxes again today. Kim's math class did a puzzle and also did addition, subtraction, and multiplication papers. In art we finished our snowglobes. We shared our Book Projects, made Thank You cards for the students at Hollins who did the Winter Carnival, read in our reading groups, and wrote in our writing journals. In science we played a review game. Each table was a team. We took turns spinning a big spinner. The number you landed on (1, 2, 3, 4) was the points you got for answering the question correctly. You had to discuss it as a team before answering. The questions were all about simple and compound machines. It was fun!

Friday we are having Pajama Day.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday by Noah and Henry

Kim's math class worked on subtraction and on our Whale Packets. We are tracking whales and using math to figure things out about them. Betsy's math class did a pre-algebra problem and measured boxes to determine their volume. We had drama today. We are going to write a play with the characters we have already created. After lunch we went to the Winter Carnival at Hollins. It was awesome!! We played games like throwing balls into a can. There were cookies to decorate, face painting, and lots of crafts. Now we are going to music with Kim's class.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday by Grace and Henry

In Betsy’s math class we did a multiplication Sudoku puzzle and worked in our folders. Kim’s math class did multiplication, division, subtraction, and addition papers. We played dreidel with our buddies in Katlyn’s class. The first years played their recorders in music and the second years had drama. In art we worked on our snowglobes. We read in our books and then we drew while Betsy read to us from Home of the Brave.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday by Henry and Grace

Betsy’s math class worked in our folders and did a number puzzle. Kim’s math class did the same thing we did yesterday. In art we started making snowglobes. We finished our holiday poems and Rube Goldberg designs. After lunch we read SuperScience magazines and we did a word puzzle.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Cookies

On Thursday, December 15, we will attend the play Christmas Cookies at the Roanoke Children's Theatre.  Christmas Cookies is being produced in partnership with and to benefit The Roanoke Rescue Mission. It is a story about a woman who helps three children keep the family cookie business afloat when their mother's National Guard unit is activated for a tour in Afghanistan during the holiday season. A troupe of dancing gingerbread cookies will get the young and old alike into the holiday spirit in this world premiere of a new musical about what it means to be family.

Monday by Grace and Henry

Betsy’s math class did a math puzzle then we worked in our folders and played a factors game. Kim’s math class did an addition and subtraction paper. We wrote a holiday poem about our favorite color. We read in our groups. We had Spanish in our classroom. We talked about weather and Enrique talked about what it was like to be in our class. Now we are going to music.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

December Events

Please make note of the following special events.

Monday, December 5th - 2:30 Book Fair Choral Performance by Upper Elementary followed by the Book Fair Tea at 3:00

Friday, December 9th - SW Virginia Ballet performance of Nutcracker at Roanoke Civic Center. We will leave school by 9:30.

Wednesday, December 7th. Grandparents and Special Friends Lunch at 12:15. Please R.S.V.P. so pizza can be ordered. Book Fair will be open until 1:30.

Monday, December 12th - Hollins Winter Carnival 1:00-2:00

Thursday, December 15th - Performance of Christmas Cookies at Taubman Theatre. We will leave school by 8:45.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday by Nathan and Grace

Kim’s math class did subtraction again. Betsy’s math class figured out the area and perimeter of some things in the classroom then we did area and perimeter worksheets. In drama we worked on our characters and in music we played songs on our ukuleles. Kim’s class ate lunch with us. After lunch Betsy told us about Rube Goldberg and showed us one of his drawings. We brainstormed simple tasks that would make good Rube Goldberg contraptions, then we each chose one and designed it. First we did a rough draft and showed it to Betsy. Now we are redoing them before we write about the steps. It was fun!