Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday by Lorraine and Connor

Betsy’s math class did a worksheet on Leap Day math. In art we’re making friendship bracelets. In drama we found out what parts we have in the Arts Festival play. We played our Book Project games and Betsy read to us from The Mystery of Roanoke.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday by Connor and Lorraine

Kim’s math class measured our feet. Betsy’s math class worked on a long pre-algebra problem and learned how to multiply fractions. In art we’re making friendship bracelets. We wrote stories. First we listed characters, settings and problems, then each person got two characters, a setting and a problem to write about.  Betsy read to us from The Mystery of Roanoke.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday by Lorraine and Connor

Betsy’s math class did a pre-algebra problem and worked in our DynaMath booklets. Kim’s math class measured in paces. C.F. and B.S. measured the school boundaries. It was 600 paces. We performed our puppet shows for Emily and Keri’s classes. We did a Mad Lib about Abraham Lincoln. In science we learned about Rube Goldberg and began designing our own Rube Goldberg contraptions. We had Spanish and now we are going to music.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday by Connor and Misha

Kim’s math class worked on place value. Betsy’s math class played a fraction game using dominoes. We performed our puppet shows for four classes: Sharon, Tulie, Beth, and Kim. We had Poetry Day and Spanish.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday by Misha and Connor

Betsy’s math class finished the Snowman Project. Kim’s math class is working on place value. Today in class we finished making props for our puppet shows, then we practiced. We sang Carry Me Back to Ole Virginny in music. Betsy read to us from The Mystery of Roanoke. Now we are going to computer class.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday and Wednesday by Misha and Connor.

Yesterday we went to see “Alice in Wonderland”. When we got back we watched the Mardi Gras parade. They threw coins and necklaces. We worked on our puppet shows, read, wrote about the snow, and played a vocabulary game.

Today in Kim’s math class we worked on writing directions to different places. Betsy’s math class started a project called Snowman Construction Company. We had to choose parts of a snowman. The finished snowman can not weigh more than 50 lbs. and cost more than $25.00. We made props for our puppet shows. We performed our puppet shows for Katlyn's class. In art we’re working on a picture and then adding onto it. In drama we read through the script for our play, “Alice in Wonderland”.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday by Daisy

Kim’s math class estimated how many steps it takes to get from the classroom door to the bathroom. Betsy’s math class did a number puzzle, worked on DynaMath, and played a perimeter game. During music we saw Kim’s drama class’s performances. After lunch we practiced our puppet shows, read our books, wrote down 100 things we are grateful for, and read Science News.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday by Misha and Daisy

Kim’s math class figured how many steps it took to walk across the blacktop. Betsy’s math class did number puzzles, worked in Dynamath, and played HOG with three dice. After Fruit Break we helped our little buddies in Katlyn’s class finish their snow people. In drama we performed our plays. We After lunch worked with the puppets for our fairy tales and went to see Keri’s class perform their play. We also went outside and listened to C. B.’s dad’s band play music.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day by Daisy and Misha

Today in Betsy’s math class we did a “Heartbreaking” puzzle for Valentine’s Day. We had to make as many shapes as we could with the parts of the heart. Kim’s math class worked in groups. After art we took our Valentine cards to Kim’s class. Our schedule was mixed up. First we ate lunch then we went to recess. During lunchtime we had our drama dress rehearsal. After drama we corrected sentences on the board. We had our party and opened Valentines.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday by Daisy and Misha

In Kim’s math class we did groups. Betsy’s math class worked on DynaMath, played fraction I Have Who Has and Around the World. We made Valentine cards, read, and wrote friendly adjectives about the people in our class. Betsy wrote the wordas on hearts with our names and put them in the window. After Spanish we chose our poems for Poetry Day. We wrote them down and put them in our binders. Now we are going to music.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday by Nick and Daisy

Betsy’s math class played a fraction addition game called Four-Sums. It was like Bingo only we had to add fractions. After Fruit Break we worked on our Fairy Tale puppet shows. In science we examined different kinds of screws. Tulie had to leave so our Buddies in her class ate lunch with us. After lunch we all did a "following directions" activity. Betsy read the description of an alien and we drew each part. After that we listened to a Shel Silverstein CD of Where the Sidewalk Ends. Some people crocheted and some drew and colored. Now we are all going to Spanish.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday by Daisy and Nick

We had Hollytime. She read a book about Valentine’s Day. In music we voted on the song we want to sing for the fundraiser. We worked on our stories, read, played the sentence correction game on the board, and watched a squirrel hanging upside-down in the tree outside our classroom.. Now we are going to computer class.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday by Nick and Daisy

We are working on equivalent fractions in math. We made snowmen with our buddies in Katlyn’s class. In drama we had a dress rehearsal and in art we worked in our journals. We read our books and did the rewriting on our fairy tales. Betsy started a new book, The Mystery of Roanoke, and we crocheted and drew while she read to us.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday by Daisy and Nick

Betsy’s math class worked in our folders, mostly on DynaMath. We also did I Have,Who Has with multiplication. In class we made levers. We put a rock on one end and a cup on the other and added paperclips until we raised the rock. We moved the fulcrum and did it again. We had Spanish and music. In music the second years had their ukulele party. We read our books and Betsy read to us from the book Ribbiting Tales.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday by Nick and Scott

Betsy’s math class did a fraction pre-algebra problem then we worked in our DynaMath booklets and used the multiplication Wrap-Ups. After Fruit Break we read in our books and did a Mad-Lib. The finished stories were funny! After lunch two Middle Schoolers talked to us about the auditions for the Talent Show, then we played Scrabble Slam! Our Buddies in Tulie’s class are learning about shadows, so for Buddytime we went outside and drew around our shadows and the shadows of other things we could find.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday by Scott and Nick

Today Betsy’s math class learned how to simplify fractions. After Fruit Break we read to our little buddies in Katlyn’s class. In drama we practiced our plays that we’re performing on Feb. 15. In science we had a bunch of plastic gears and we worked in groups to put them together so they all moved when we turned one gear. We also worked on our fairy tale puppet shows. In art we drew pictures for the Strawberry Festival t-shirt contest.


It is with great sadness that we share the news of the death last weekend of Chris Pressley, father of Madeleine, Sarah, and Audrey. Please join us as we offer our support to these CS students and their mother Amy Trowell. Services are Thursday at 6:00 pm at Metropolitan Community Church of the Blue Ridge at 806 Jamison Avenue, SE. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the mental health organization of your choice.

We have talked with our classes and the children have made cards for Sarah. Your child may have questions and concerns. Please feel free to talk with me if you feel the necessity.

Tuesday by Nick and Scott

We played equation games in Betsy's math class. In art we worked on our tissue paper collages. We learned how to crochet to help make a hyperbolic coral reef that will be on display at Roanoke College. We shared our Book Projects.

Monday by Scott and Nick

We reviewed mixed numerals and improper fractions in math. In Spanish we worked in our books. We learned about gears in science and cut out paper gears and put them together on paper. Today we worked on our puppet shows and read in our books. Now we are going to music.