Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday by Tallulah and Josiah

In Betsy’s math class we did two addition Kakooma puzzles, worked in DynaMath, and played Geometry Quizmo. In Kim’s math class we learned about angles. We had Hollytime and then we practiced our play. This afternoon we worked on our Independent Study Projects and now we are going to computer class to do more research for our reports.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday by Josiah and Tallulah

In Betsy’s math class we did two Kakooma puzzles, worked on DynaMath and played Around the World. Kim’s math class did the code papers again. We worked on our cursive and read KIND News. After lunch we had our faces painted by Middle Schoolers who are practicing for the Strawberry Festival. We also practiced our play and went to art. We made $35.00 with our bake sale, giving us a total of $120.00. We talked about the Heifer Project and different ways we can use $120.00.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday by Tallulah

In Kim’s math class we did the puzzles again. Betsy’s math class did two more Kakooma puzzles, worked on DynaMath, and played HOG. In art we are still working on our secret art project for the Arts Festival. After art we shared our Book Projects. This afternoon we worked on our Independent Study Projects and we worked in our cursive booklets.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday by Josiah and Tallulah

In Betsy’s math class we did two Kakooma puzzles, worked on DynaMath, and reviewed multiplication with decimals. Kim’s math class did a code with numbers and letters and Magic Squares. In science we continued to work on our ball project by measuring the circumference, the mass, and the bounces. In social studies we had a map and had to find Virginia. We also did a word search about Virginia. Now we are going to Spanish and then to play practice.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Strawberry Festival Volunteers Needed

Just over two weeks left until the Strawberry Festival! Sign up for your top choice of shifts before they all fill up! To sign up, go to, click on the strawberry at the top, and scroll down to "Sign up for Berry Cleaning and Festival Days here!" Click the link to go to the form. More detailed information about festival jobs can be found under the "Committee Description" tab on the Blog. If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact Katlyn ( Each parent is expected to volunteer 12 hours each towards the festival. Shifts are already filling up, so get your requests in today to get your top pick. Thanks Berry Much!
Berry Cleaning - Thursday, May 3 @ Murray's Cider (103 Murray's Farm Road, Roanoke)

Festival Days - Friday, May 4, and Saturday, May 5 @ Elmwood Park


We will go to Camp Bethel tomorrow for The Sounds of the Mountains Festival. We will leave at 9:15 and return to school by 1:30. 

Our class is in charge of the Bake Sale next Wednesday, April 25th.

On, Friday, April 27th, we are going to The Frontier Culture Museum in Staunton. We will leave at 9:00 and return to school by the end of the school day.

Please remember the date for Arts Festival was changed to Friday, May 18th.

Our Independent Study Project Museum will be Friday, May 25th.  

Thursday by Tallulah and Connor

In Betsy’s math class we changed fractions to decimals and changed decimals to fractions. We also worked on DynaMath and Kakooma puzzles. Kim’s math class finished papers we have been working on. Holly read to us from The Candymaker while we drew. We practiced our song for the play. We worked on our Independent Study Project and we made cursive writing folders. Now we are going to computer.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday by Connor and Tallulah

In Betsy’s math class we tried to figure out how to write the digits 1-8 in eight squares but none of the consecutive numbers could be adjacent to each other. We learned how to multiply decimals. We also learned how to do Kakooma puzzles. Kim’s math class did a paper with squares that had dots. We learned about opened and closed figures. In buddies with Katlyn we made cards for wounded soldiers. In drama we worked on our play. This afternoon we worked on our Independent Research Projects. We also corrected sentences on the board. In art we worked on our Arts Festival Projects and we did free-drawing.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday by Tallulah

Before school started everyone went to the dome for a school picture. Kim’s math class did a code where letters stood for other letters and we had to figure out the code. Betsy’s math class added and subtracted decimals. In art we worked on our Arts Festival projects. After art we did a Magic Squares word puzzle. This afternoon we started working on our Independent Study Projects. We learned how to write bibliography cards and began doing our research. Betsy talked to us about the projects we are going to do at home. We decorated big envelopes to keep our information in while Betsy read a story to us.

Monday by Tallulah

In Kim’s math class we worked on a Revolutionary War project in groups and we played games that had to do with measuring. Betsy’s math class learned about decimals, how to write them, and how they relate to fractions. We also played An Hour or Bust to the Minute and the class beat Betsy again. In science we continued our investigation of which type of ball bounces the highest. In social studies we finished our political cartoons about the Revolutionary War. We had Spanish and a long play practice.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday by Sierra and Connor

In Betsy’s math class we worked on DynaMath and played SNAKE. Kim’s math class did worksheets and played math games. After Fruit Break we worked with words we misspelled on our homework and read our books. In music we made egg shakers, then we went to drama to practice the end of our play. This afternoon we did a Following Directions activity and played The Storytelling Game. Now we are going to computer class.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday by Connor and Sierra

In Kim’s math class we worked on the worksheets on Magic Squares. We also did a crossword puzzle on George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. In Betsy’s math class we did the same three groups we did yesterday. In drama we worked on singing and dancing and the choreography for Wonderland. We helped our buddies in Katlyn’s class make cards for Katlyn. In class we got our homework for our Museum Project. In art we worked on our Arts Festival project. After art we did a Mad Lib and read.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday by Sierra and Connor

Kim’s math class learned about Franklin’s Magic Squares and we figured them out ourselves and did worksheets similar to the magic square. Betsy’s math class played Math Blaster on the laptops, worked long multiplication and long division problems on the white boards, and played either Roll 5 or Product Tac Toe. In art we made summer drawings. In class we made words out of the letters in taxing. This afternoon we wrote about the topics we want to do for the Independent Research Projects. We read and corrected sentences on the board. We also took a brain break and came up with ideas for how Betsy’s friend could eat cheese puffs without getting orange stuff on papers.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday by Connor and Sierra

In Betsy’s math class we worked in our folders and worked on a problem about how old one of Betsy’s friends is. It had to be a multiple of 5 this year and a multiple of 4 next year. In Kim’s math class we went to the computer lab and played Math Blaster. In science we are going to investigate how high different balls bounce and if the circumference changes the results. Today we measured the circumference of five different balls. In social studies we are learning about what started the Revolutionary War by reading humorous comic strips. This afternoon we have Spanish and then a long play practice.