Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday by Henry and Nathan

Kim’s math class worked more on finishing some of our papers. We worked with the pentominoes some more. Betsy’s math class did 4 multiplication Kakooma puzzles and worked in their DynaMath booklets. We had music and Hollytime. This afternoon we read and corrected sentences on the board. Now we are going to the computer lab.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday by Nathan and Henry

Kim’s math class made shapes with pentominoes. Betsy's math class did two multiplication Kakooma puzzles, worked in DynaMath, and played HOG.We helped our buddies in Katlyn’s class draw an animal created from their two favorite animals. In art we had free drawing and finished pictures we started yesterday. We worked on a Magic Square spelling paper and we went to drama.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday by Henry and Nathan

Kim’s math class worked on cryptograms. Half of Betsy’s math class visited the Middle School. The other half worked on DynaMath and solved tangram puzzles. We shared our projects and worked on our reports. We also read our books and played Bananagrams. In art we drew a picture of our favorite piece in the Arts Festival.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday by Nathan and Henry

Kim’s math class worked on unfinished work. Half of Betsy’s math class visited the Middle School. The other half worked on DynaMath and solved tangram puzzles. In Spanish we reviewed transportation. We worked on our Independent Research Reports, read Super Science, and read in our books. Now we are going to music.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday by Deven and Nathan

Today in Betsy’s math class we did Kakooma puzzles and worked in our DynaMath booklets. Kim’s math class did cryptograms and worked in our folders. We went to Hollins and did our tech rehearsal for the play. After lunch we played outside before working on our reports. Now we are going outside to play before dismissal.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday by Nathan and Deven

In Kim’s math class we did cryptograms and completed papers in our folders. Betsy’s math class did two multiplication Kakooma puzzles, divided fractions, and played HOG. We practiced our play for Arts Festival and worked on our Independent Study reports. Now we are going outside to play because we were not here for Fruit Break and recess.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday by Deven

Betsy’s math class worked on DynaMath and did two multiplication Kakooma puzzles. In science we finished our wind roller papers. We went to El Rodeo for lunch. This afternoon we read and worked on our Independent Study Projects.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday by Collin and Deven

We didn’t have math today. We went to Hollins and practiced our play two times. After lunch we worked on our Independent Study Projects. Now we are getting ready to go outside and play before computer class.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday by Deven and Collin

In Kim’s math class we worked on cryptograms. Betsy’s math class worked on dividing and multiplying fractions. We planted seeds with our buddies in Katlyn’s class. We worked on cursive and we also worked on our Independent Study Projects. In art we worked on our journals and made tassels. At the end of the day we celebrated N.G.’s birthday with yummy ice cream sundaes.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuesday by Deven and Collin

Betsy’s math class reviewed adding and subtracting fractions and changing mixed numerals into improper fractions. We also played SNAKE. Kim’s math class did worksheets. In art we made tassels for some art projects. We worked on cursive and talked to Betsy about the projects we are doing at home. Now we are going to Hollins to practice our play.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday by Collin and Deven

Today in Betsy’s math class we reviewed simplifying fractions and changing improper fractions to mixed numerals. In Kim’s math class we did worksheets. In social studies we worked on Liberty Kids and on writing reports on people from the Revolutionary War and why the Revolutionary War happened. In science we finished our Ball Bounce papers and then we learned about kinetic energy. We made wind rollers and took them outside to see how far they rolled. In Spanish we did a scavenger hunt for things in nature like insects and leaves. This afternoon we worked on our Independent Study Projects and played Alva.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday by Collin and Josiah

In Betsy’s math class we worked on DynaMath and played a new game called Capture 5. Kim’s math class worked on measurement. We worked on our Independent Research Projects then we walked to Hollins and had yummy strawberry shortcakes. We had recess and lunch. Now we are going to practice our play for the Arts Festival.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday by Josiah and Collin

In Betsy’s math class we worked on DynaMath, did a pre-algebra problem, and played Hog. Kim’s math class played card games and worked on cryptograms. Holly read to us and we practiced our play. After lunch we worked in our cursive booklets and corrected sentences on the board. Now we are going to Spanish and computer.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday by Josiah and Collin

In Betsy’s math class we did the last two Kakooma addition puzzles, worked in our folders, and played Around the World. Kim’s math class played card games. We helped our buddies in Katlyn’s class make handprint strawberries. We practiced our play and worked on our Arts Festival projects. This afternoon we worked on our Independent Research Projects.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday by Collin and Josiah

In Betsy’s math class we did two addition Kakooma puzzles. Some people worked in their DynaMath books and some people worked on long division. We also played Hog. In Kim’s math class we did a measurement paper. In art we worked on our projects for the Arts Festival. After art we worked in our cursive booklets. This afternoon we worked on our Independent Study Projects.