Monday, June 18, 2012

End of Blog

As an FYI to those who have followed this blog, this will be the final post. I added the last set of photos taken during the final week of school. In an attempt to make communication easier, the Upper Elementary classes will be creating a closed group on Facebook next year. We feel this will be more efficient as various aspects of this blog have been difficult to manage. It often takes several days to a week for photos we upload to Picasa to be available to post here. Several "gadget" functions, such as The Word of the Day, ceased to function properly and could not be updated. I will create the Facebook group later this summer and send information on how to access it in our family letter to be mailed in August. I hope you all have a wonderful summer.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Last Full Day by Grace and Ari

In Betsy’s math class we made no-sew blankets for kids at the Ronald McDonald House. In Kim’s math class we did our last cryptogram, “The Surrender at Yorktown and played some games. In art we drew. In class we finished a word search and completed a categorization paper and some people read. After lunch we wrote a poem. Betsy took our pictures to go with the poems.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Our Last Monday by Ari and Grace

First thing this morning we went to Hollins and practiced for Celebration. In Kim’s math class we did our second to last cryptogram, “The Battle of Charleston and Savannah”. In Betsy’s math class we looked through our math conference folders and made shapes with plastic straws and connectors. After math we looked over our poems for Celebration to see if we wanted to change anything, then we read. After Spanish we got all of our folders for Conference Day. We played Bananagrams and now we are going to music.

*Note from Betsy
Portfolios are being sent home today. Your child has all the portfolios for the year. None of them need to be returned on Conference Day. They are all yours to keep. Enjoy looking through them with your child. It's wonderful to see the progress that took place from September through May.