Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday by Tallulah and Josiah

Betsy’s math class did a math puzzle that has 4 numbers (1, 2, 3, and 4). You can only use those numbers in each row and column. The numbers have to add up to the little number in between the 4 boxes. We had to use certain pentominoes to make rectangles and squares. In Kim’s math class we practiced counting by 4’s. Kim taped a hopscotch board on the floor and we had to jump and say the answer. We practiced math to African music. We had Hollytime. The second years went to music and the first years went to drama. In music we got to use ukuleles. In drama we are working in groups to write short plays. We worked more on our Fall Festival stories. In science we used gears to see how many times different sized gears would turn compared to each other.

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