Friday, November 11, 2011

11-11-11 by Devin and Braden

This morning we talked about Veteran's Day and why it is important. Betsy’s math class learned a trick about how to multiply by 11. There’s a really easy way to do it. Kim’s math class did multiplication. In science we taped our science papers into our science notebooks and did a paper where we had to match simple machines to the names. We worked in our Writing Journals and read our books. After that we played 11-11-11. Each group had a whiteboard with 11 squares. Betsy read a category like “fruit” and we took turns filling in the boxes until we got 11.We helped our buddies in Tulie’s class make bat caves. We played Bananagrams. Some people got their green belts in music. Some people got orange and some got white.

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