Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday by Scott

Today we wrote onomatopoeia poems. We put them on construction paper and decorated them. In music we practiced our ukuleles and recorders. Most of us got new belts. In math Betsy’s class learned how to change mixed numerals into improper fractions and improper fraction into mixed numerals. We had Hollytime. She is reading The Candymaker to us. Now we are going to computer class.

We made $22.00 more dollars from the Bake Sale today. Thank you!!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday by Scott and Cassie

In Betsy’s math class we learned how to add and subtract fractions with like denominators. After Fruit Break we read to our little buddies in Katlyn’s class. In drama we practiced our plays and in art we added to our tissue paper collages. In class we worked in groups to brainstorm ideas for fractured fairy tale puppet shows. Our bake sale brought in $40.00! There are things left over, so we can buy something tomorrow, too.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday by Scott and Cassie

Betsy’s math class did some pre-algebra and learned about greatest common factors and least common multiples. In art we worked on our tissue paper collages. We read our books and wrote alliterative sentences about a character. Betsy read The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig. In science we investigated the wheel and axle by comparing how much force it took to move a stack of books with and without the help of a wheel and axle.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bake Sale Wednesday

Please remember our Bake Sale on Wednesday. If you have time, either store bought or homemade is fine.

Thank you!

Monday by Cassie and Scott

Betsy read The Three Pigs to us. It was funny and a little weird. Betsy’s math class did Mental Math and worked on DynaMath. In Spanish we worked on Spanish booklets. We had to fill in the blanks with the correct Spanish words. We read Science News and learned that lizards have interesting ways to escape from predators. Some can run across water and others shed their tales if a predator grabs them by the tail. We worked in groups to make words out of letters that were in a 3 x 3 box. The letters had to connect to each other. After Spanish we corrected sentences that were on the board then we got our portfolios for Conference Day. Now we are going to music.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday by Cassie and Sarah E.

During math we went to the music room and listened to the Middle School Rock Band Friday Group play. We read some more Cinderella books. We wrote stories and passed them around and each person in the group added to it, then we read them to the whole class. They were funny.  Betsy taught us a game called Alva where you have two sets of cards. One set has topics and one set has letters. You turn over one of each set and name something beginning with the letter that fits the topic. Whoever says it first gets the cards. During Buddytime with Tulie’s class we made Valentine cards for the Troops. We used candy canes to make hearts. Now we are going to Spanish.  

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday by Sarah E. and Cassie

Betsy’s math class worked on long multiplication. Kim’s math class got new folders. We went through old papers and put finished work in the new folders. Holly read to us and then we went to music. In music we learned about the base clef notes. In science we used spring scales to find out how much force it takes to pull objects up inclined planes. Now we are going to computer class.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday by Cassie and Sarah E.

Today we had Buddies with Katlyn and we made watercolor snowflakes. Betsy’s math class worked on long multiplication. Kim’s math class worked in their brown folders. We practiced our plays in drama. In class we read different versions of Cinderella and we corrected sentences that Betsy wrote on the board. .

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday by Sarah E. and Cassie

Today we worked on our tissue paper collages in art. Some people ate lunch with Louise and practiced our play. In class we made covers for sketchbook journals. We learned about simple machines in science and investigated inclined planes. We played Bananagrams.

Message from Betsy:

Parents of The Telescopic Group can find Kim's blog at:

The Detectives are in charge of the Bake Sale on Wednesday, January 25th. Please send homemade or store-bought items in for us to sell. Thank you.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday by Ari and Connor

In Kim’s math class we played Math Blaster in the computer lab. Betsy’s math class worked on DynaMath and we did a paper on Martin Luther King. We had Poetry Day and went to the Local Hero Award Ceremony. In class we put some papers in our Science Notebooks and got homework writing papers back.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday by Connor and Ari

In Betsy’s math class we did Mental Math and worked on papers we needed to finish. In Kim’s math class we did Music Math Facts and worked in our packets and finished some math puzzles. Holly wasn’t here for Hollytime, so Betsy read funny short stories about frogs. In music we studied rhythm. Elena read a book to us about Martin Luther King, Jr. in Spanish. In class we read and we corrected sentences that Betsy wrote on the board. Now we are going to computer class.  

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday by Ari and Connor

In Kim’s math class some people did Cool Stuff Store. We worked on each other’s math homework. In Betsy’s math class we did Mental math then we worked on DynaMath and other papers. In class we did a word search that gave us a riddle then we had to find as many words as we could. We also filled out a form about Conference Day. We read to our buddies in Katlyn’s class. We worked on our plays in drama and some people had lunch in drama. Today was Pizza Day. In art we worked more on our collages.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday by Connor and Ari

Today we went to art and we are doing a collage with only blues, greens, and violets with complimentary colors like silver. Kim’s math class went to the computer lab and planned the Cool Stuff Store. We are starting the store tomorrow. Betsy’s math class worked in our folders and played Hog. In class we talked about Martin Luther King, Jr. then we did a paper about him. “The Twenty-One Balloons” group discussed the book with Betsy.  We wrote in our writing journals and read.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday with Ari and Connor

In Betsy’s math class we worked on finishing and correcting papers. In Kim’s math class we worked in our math packets and did Music Math Facts. In Spanish we started new Spanish booklets. In science we made tetrahedrons and added papers to our science notebooks. This afternoon we read. Now we are going to learn how to play Alva before we go to music.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday by Ari and Noah

In Kim’s math class we went to the computer lab and played Math Blaster. In Betsy’s math class we worked in our DynaMath booklets and played Math Blaster on the laptops. In science we made stable cubes out of straws and connectors. Betsy gave us some extra time after lunch to play. After lunch we did an activity out of Play by the Rules. We had to listen to directions and draw things in 16 different squares. Then we had to add certain things to each one to make them into something else. We painted with water outside with our buddies in Tulie’s class because they are learning about water. We were drawing and one person spilled their water, so we all started to pour water on it and spread it out. Now we are going to Spanish. After Spanish we are going to see how much of the water evaporated.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday by Noah and Ari

Betsy’s math class worked in our DynaMath booklets and did some number tricks with the calculator. One was using our birthdates. In Kim’s math class we did music math facts and worked on the Cool Stuff Store and our math journals. Holly read to us and then we went to music where we wrote a paragraph about recorder and ukulele karate. After lunch we read, worked on our writing pieces, and corrected sentences that Betsy wrote on the board. Now we are going to computer class.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday by Ari and Noah

Kim’s math class planned what we’re going to do for the Cool Stuff Store and worked in our folders. In Betsy’s math class we played Math Blaster on the laptops and worked in our DynaMath booklets. At the end we played Around the World. We had Buddies with Katlyn and made cards for the Troops. In drama we worked on our plays. After lunch we wrote our poems for Poetry Day. We wrote poems about people we think are heroes. After that we mounted the poems we wrote yesterday onto construction paper and read in our books. In art we worked on our resolutions so we can put them in our journals.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday by Noah and Ari

In Betsy’s math class we kept working in our Dynamath booklets and played a game with dice in domes. We had to roll them and do what the dice showed. Then we added the scores. Kim’s math class finished more of the information about whales. We added the whale miles and how many breeches they did, then we worked in our folders. In art we worked in our art journals and wrote New Year’s resolutions. After art w talked about the science investigation we did yesterday. We learned that the structures needed to have triangles to be stable. That’s what the braces made when we added them to the figures. Betsy read “The Important Book” to us and we wrote poems about ourselves. We read and did a parts of speech Mad-Lib. Before dismissal we played Bop-It.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year! by Ari and Noah

Before math we shared about our Winter Break. In Kim’s math class we finished studying about whales. We’re in groups. Mirage is tied with Erosion. We also finished other work. Betsy’s math class made corrections in our DynaMath booklets. We also did a trick with the calculator using our birthdays. In Spanish Deven asked what our New Year’s resolution was in Spanish and we answered in English. In science we used strips of paper and brads to make shapes, then we used more strips as braces to make them stable. Betsy finished reading Home of the Brave. Now we are going to music.