Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday by Ari and Noah

In Kim’s math class we went to the computer lab and played Math Blaster. In Betsy’s math class we worked in our DynaMath booklets and played Math Blaster on the laptops. In science we made stable cubes out of straws and connectors. Betsy gave us some extra time after lunch to play. After lunch we did an activity out of Play by the Rules. We had to listen to directions and draw things in 16 different squares. Then we had to add certain things to each one to make them into something else. We painted with water outside with our buddies in Tulie’s class because they are learning about water. We were drawing and one person spilled their water, so we all started to pour water on it and spread it out. Now we are going to Spanish. After Spanish we are going to see how much of the water evaporated.

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