Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday by Ethan and Ben

Betsy’s math class played a game called An Hour or Bust to the Minute. We played against Betsy and the class won. Kim’s math class did puzzles and worked with our little buddies in Katlyn’s class. After Fruit Break we read to our buddies in Katlyn’s class. In both drama and art we worked on Arts Festival projects. We read and played Bananagrams.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday by Ben and Ethan

Today in Betsy’s math class we finished work and corrected papers to put in our math portfolios. Kim’s math class worked on crossword puzzles and sorted papers for our portfolios. In art we worked on our Arts Festival fans. In class we put together our portfolios and shared our Book Projects. Now we are going to work on our Thing-a-ma-jiggers with our buddies in Tulie’s class.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday by Ethan and Ben

Betsy’s math class played a game called Roll 5. You use 5 number cubes. First you roll 2 of them. The product is your target number. Then you roll all 5 and use those to make an equation that equals the target number. We worked in our DynaMath booklets. Kim’s math class did a George Washington and Thomas Jefferson crossword puzzle. In class we worked on our stories and put papers into our science notebooks. In Spanish we played a game where the leader said a vowel and passed a rubber ball and whoever had the ball said the vowel sound.

*From Betsy

Conference portfolios will be sent home tomorrow.
Tomorrow is Zero Waste Lunch Day. We encourage everyone to bring a lunch that does not contain packaging that must be thrown away.

Our class is in charge of the Bake Sale this Wednesday. This is a busy time of year. If you have time to send something in, that would be great. If not, please don’t stress about it or go out of your way.

We are preparing our Thing-a-ma-jiggers for the parade on Friday. Children may bring in items from home to add to their creations. Join us, if you can, on Friday at 10:30 for the parade.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday by Ethan and Lucas

Betsy’s math class learned to play a game called Clear the Board. You play by rolling 3 die and using the numbers to get rid of the numbers 1 -12. Then we did Dynamath and played the game again at the end. Kim’s math class worked on their folders. Betsy read "Bartholomew and the Oobleck" and we made oobleck for our Jellybead Celebration. We corrected sentences on the board and counted the Jellybeads. We had 535! We painted boxes with our buddies in Tulie’s class for the Thing-a-ma-jigger parade next Friday.
We will be working on our Thing-a-ma-jiggers next week. We would appreciate any recyclable items that you would like to send that will add to the excitement and originality of our creations.
Our class is in charge of the Bake Sale on Wednesday.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday by Ethan and Lucas

Kim’s math class worked in our folders. Betsy’s math class worked on DynaMath. We also learned a new multiplication game called Product Tac Toe. The class beat Betsy! It was fun. In music we practiced our play. In science we made a stable cube and a tetrahedron with straws.  

Note from Betsy

Tomorrow is Pajama Day.
Our class is hosting the Bake Sale next week - Wednesday, March 28.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday by Lucas and Ethan

In Betsy’s math class we worked in our Dynamath booklets and played a mean and median game with cards. In Kim’s math class we finished worksheets.  We helped our buddies in Katlyn’s class make Thing 1 and Thing 2 puppets. We practiced our Wonderland play in drama. In class we worked on our stories, animals, and limericks. In art we worked on our fans. We played a game called The Storytelling Game.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday by Ethan

Betsy’s math class worked on the animal and insect measurement packets. We learned the beginning of a new game called Odd One Out and did part of a brainteaser about how many students are in a class. We have to wait until tomorrow to find out more about both of those. Betsy read "If I Ran the Zoo" by Dr. Seuss. We made up our own animals to go in the zoo. We also worked on our stories and/or our limericks. When we went outside we wore the sunglasses we decorated last Friday. In Spanish we played a food chain game.  

Friday, March 16, 2012

Green Friday by Sarah P. and Lucas

In Betsy’s math class we made a pie chart for Pi to the 100th decimal. We had the Egg Drop and almost all the UE eggs survived. After the Egg Drop we wrote about our creation and drew a picture of it. We got an email back from SSG Thomas, He answered all of our questions. Some of us wrote back to him and some people wrote letters to family members. We are about to go to Buddies and decorate sunglasses, then we have Spanish.

Thursday by Lucas and Sarah P.

During Hollytime, Holly continued reading the book "Candymaker". In music we practiced our songs for the play and we did some American Folk songs. We went to computer.

Lucas: Kim's math class did multiplication.

Sarah P.: Betsy's math class did packets about animals height and weight. I realized I don't weigh a lot. I am under the average for a typical 4th grader.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wacky Wednesday

Today was a very exciting day! Today was Pi Day so in math Betsy’s math group made Pi bracelets and learned about Pi. We measured the circumference and diameter of different circular items. Then we divided the circumference by the diameter. Kim’s math class did multiplication worksheets.  We helped our buddies in Katlyn’s class make their Egg Drop containers and helped them fly their kites.. In drama we practiced our play and in art we made collages and bracelets. We spent the rest of the afternoon creating our containers for the Egg Drop.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday by Lucas and Sarah P.

On Wednesday and Thursday, we will be creating containers for the Egg Drop. Children may bring in materials to share. Parents are invited to attend the Egg Drop on Friday, March 16 at 10:30.

Kim’s math class went to the computer lab and played Math Blaster. Betsy's math class started work on the March DynaMath. After Fruit Break we made a picture graph and a two-coordinate graph with the information we recorded for the swingers on Friday. We also flew the kites that we decorated last Friday. In Spanish we tasted food and said their names in Spanish. We started writing limericks for Poetry Day. Now we are going to music.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Crazy Shoes Friday by Sarah P. and Lorraine

Betsy's math class did multiplication wrap-ups and finished the symmetrical Seussical flowers. Kim's math class made origami stars. In science we made swingers of different lengths and timed the swings for each length. We finished our temples in Spanish and talked about the animals we researched. We have a new Spanish homework assignment. We have to write the facts about our animals in Spanish. After lunch we traced our feet and decorated them. We decorated kites with our buddies in Tulie's class.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday by Lorraine and Sarah P.

In Betsy’s math class we finished the range, mean, median, and mode problems. Kim’s math class finished the square inch books. After Fruit Break we read a letter with pictures from SSG Thomas and wrote back to him. We practiced the songs for Alice in Wonderland in music. In class we read and worked on our stories. Now we are going to computer class.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday by Sarah P. and Lorraine

Betsy’s math class learned about mean, median, mode, and range. In Kim’s math class we are making books about an inch square. In art we made friendship bracelets. In class we worked on our Rube Goldberg machines, edited and began rewriting our stories, corrected sentences on the board, and played Contraction SWAT.  Betsy read the rest of the stories from Dr. Seuss’s The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Funny Hat Monday by Sarah P.

Betsy read The Cat in the Hat Comes Back and we drew what would happen if The Cat in the Hat came to our house. We went to the symphony. It was great! Mr. Wiley and Robin Reed talked to us when it was over. When we got back we had Fruit Break and finished drawing in our sketchbooks. We wrote letters to Mr. Wiley and read. In Spanish we made temples. Now we are going to music.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Seussical Friday

Betsy's math class created symmetrical Seussical flowers. After Fruit Break we had cake and sang Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss. Betsy finished reading The Mystery of Roanoke and read The Bippolo Seed by Dr. Seuss. After lunch we finished reading Super Science and read in our books. We helped our buddies in Tulie's class measure stuffed animals. We had Spanish.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday by Connor

We had Hollytime and music. After recess the whole school made a  Friendship Circle and exchanged the friendship bracelets we made. Everybody ate together outside. After lunch  we read Super Science, played Bananagrams, and corrected sentences on the board.