Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday by Ethan and Ben

Betsy’s math class played a game called Roll 5. You use 5 number cubes. First you roll 2 of them. The product is your target number. Then you roll all 5 and use those to make an equation that equals the target number. We worked in our DynaMath booklets. Kim’s math class did a George Washington and Thomas Jefferson crossword puzzle. In class we worked on our stories and put papers into our science notebooks. In Spanish we played a game where the leader said a vowel and passed a rubber ball and whoever had the ball said the vowel sound.

*From Betsy

Conference portfolios will be sent home tomorrow.
Tomorrow is Zero Waste Lunch Day. We encourage everyone to bring a lunch that does not contain packaging that must be thrown away.

Our class is in charge of the Bake Sale this Wednesday. This is a busy time of year. If you have time to send something in, that would be great. If not, please don’t stress about it or go out of your way.

We are preparing our Thing-a-ma-jiggers for the parade on Friday. Children may bring in items from home to add to their creations. Join us, if you can, on Friday at 10:30 for the parade.

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