Monday, June 18, 2012

End of Blog

As an FYI to those who have followed this blog, this will be the final post. I added the last set of photos taken during the final week of school. In an attempt to make communication easier, the Upper Elementary classes will be creating a closed group on Facebook next year. We feel this will be more efficient as various aspects of this blog have been difficult to manage. It often takes several days to a week for photos we upload to Picasa to be available to post here. Several "gadget" functions, such as The Word of the Day, ceased to function properly and could not be updated. I will create the Facebook group later this summer and send information on how to access it in our family letter to be mailed in August. I hope you all have a wonderful summer.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Last Full Day by Grace and Ari

In Betsy’s math class we made no-sew blankets for kids at the Ronald McDonald House. In Kim’s math class we did our last cryptogram, “The Surrender at Yorktown and played some games. In art we drew. In class we finished a word search and completed a categorization paper and some people read. After lunch we wrote a poem. Betsy took our pictures to go with the poems.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Our Last Monday by Ari and Grace

First thing this morning we went to Hollins and practiced for Celebration. In Kim’s math class we did our second to last cryptogram, “The Battle of Charleston and Savannah”. In Betsy’s math class we looked through our math conference folders and made shapes with plastic straws and connectors. After math we looked over our poems for Celebration to see if we wanted to change anything, then we read. After Spanish we got all of our folders for Conference Day. We played Bananagrams and now we are going to music.

*Note from Betsy
Portfolios are being sent home today. Your child has all the portfolios for the year. None of them need to be returned on Conference Day. They are all yours to keep. Enjoy looking through them with your child. It's wonderful to see the progress that took place from September through May.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday by Henry and Nathan

Kim’s math class worked more on finishing some of our papers. We worked with the pentominoes some more. Betsy’s math class did 4 multiplication Kakooma puzzles and worked in their DynaMath booklets. We had music and Hollytime. This afternoon we read and corrected sentences on the board. Now we are going to the computer lab.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday by Nathan and Henry

Kim’s math class made shapes with pentominoes. Betsy's math class did two multiplication Kakooma puzzles, worked in DynaMath, and played HOG.We helped our buddies in Katlyn’s class draw an animal created from their two favorite animals. In art we had free drawing and finished pictures we started yesterday. We worked on a Magic Square spelling paper and we went to drama.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday by Henry and Nathan

Kim’s math class worked on cryptograms. Half of Betsy’s math class visited the Middle School. The other half worked on DynaMath and solved tangram puzzles. We shared our projects and worked on our reports. We also read our books and played Bananagrams. In art we drew a picture of our favorite piece in the Arts Festival.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday by Nathan and Henry

Kim’s math class worked on unfinished work. Half of Betsy’s math class visited the Middle School. The other half worked on DynaMath and solved tangram puzzles. In Spanish we reviewed transportation. We worked on our Independent Research Reports, read Super Science, and read in our books. Now we are going to music.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday by Deven and Nathan

Today in Betsy’s math class we did Kakooma puzzles and worked in our DynaMath booklets. Kim’s math class did cryptograms and worked in our folders. We went to Hollins and did our tech rehearsal for the play. After lunch we played outside before working on our reports. Now we are going outside to play before dismissal.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday by Nathan and Deven

In Kim’s math class we did cryptograms and completed papers in our folders. Betsy’s math class did two multiplication Kakooma puzzles, divided fractions, and played HOG. We practiced our play for Arts Festival and worked on our Independent Study reports. Now we are going outside to play because we were not here for Fruit Break and recess.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday by Deven

Betsy’s math class worked on DynaMath and did two multiplication Kakooma puzzles. In science we finished our wind roller papers. We went to El Rodeo for lunch. This afternoon we read and worked on our Independent Study Projects.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday by Collin and Deven

We didn’t have math today. We went to Hollins and practiced our play two times. After lunch we worked on our Independent Study Projects. Now we are getting ready to go outside and play before computer class.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday by Deven and Collin

In Kim’s math class we worked on cryptograms. Betsy’s math class worked on dividing and multiplying fractions. We planted seeds with our buddies in Katlyn’s class. We worked on cursive and we also worked on our Independent Study Projects. In art we worked on our journals and made tassels. At the end of the day we celebrated N.G.’s birthday with yummy ice cream sundaes.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuesday by Deven and Collin

Betsy’s math class reviewed adding and subtracting fractions and changing mixed numerals into improper fractions. We also played SNAKE. Kim’s math class did worksheets. In art we made tassels for some art projects. We worked on cursive and talked to Betsy about the projects we are doing at home. Now we are going to Hollins to practice our play.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday by Collin and Deven

Today in Betsy’s math class we reviewed simplifying fractions and changing improper fractions to mixed numerals. In Kim’s math class we did worksheets. In social studies we worked on Liberty Kids and on writing reports on people from the Revolutionary War and why the Revolutionary War happened. In science we finished our Ball Bounce papers and then we learned about kinetic energy. We made wind rollers and took them outside to see how far they rolled. In Spanish we did a scavenger hunt for things in nature like insects and leaves. This afternoon we worked on our Independent Study Projects and played Alva.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday by Collin and Josiah

In Betsy’s math class we worked on DynaMath and played a new game called Capture 5. Kim’s math class worked on measurement. We worked on our Independent Research Projects then we walked to Hollins and had yummy strawberry shortcakes. We had recess and lunch. Now we are going to practice our play for the Arts Festival.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday by Josiah and Collin

In Betsy’s math class we worked on DynaMath, did a pre-algebra problem, and played Hog. Kim’s math class played card games and worked on cryptograms. Holly read to us and we practiced our play. After lunch we worked in our cursive booklets and corrected sentences on the board. Now we are going to Spanish and computer.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday by Josiah and Collin

In Betsy’s math class we did the last two Kakooma addition puzzles, worked in our folders, and played Around the World. Kim’s math class played card games. We helped our buddies in Katlyn’s class make handprint strawberries. We practiced our play and worked on our Arts Festival projects. This afternoon we worked on our Independent Research Projects.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday by Collin and Josiah

In Betsy’s math class we did two addition Kakooma puzzles. Some people worked in their DynaMath books and some people worked on long division. We also played Hog. In Kim’s math class we did a measurement paper. In art we worked on our projects for the Arts Festival. After art we worked in our cursive booklets. This afternoon we worked on our Independent Study Projects.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday by Tallulah and Josiah

In Betsy’s math class we did two addition Kakooma puzzles, worked in DynaMath, and played Geometry Quizmo. In Kim’s math class we learned about angles. We had Hollytime and then we practiced our play. This afternoon we worked on our Independent Study Projects and now we are going to computer class to do more research for our reports.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday by Josiah and Tallulah

In Betsy’s math class we did two Kakooma puzzles, worked on DynaMath and played Around the World. Kim’s math class did the code papers again. We worked on our cursive and read KIND News. After lunch we had our faces painted by Middle Schoolers who are practicing for the Strawberry Festival. We also practiced our play and went to art. We made $35.00 with our bake sale, giving us a total of $120.00. We talked about the Heifer Project and different ways we can use $120.00.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday by Tallulah

In Kim’s math class we did the puzzles again. Betsy’s math class did two more Kakooma puzzles, worked on DynaMath, and played HOG. In art we are still working on our secret art project for the Arts Festival. After art we shared our Book Projects. This afternoon we worked on our Independent Study Projects and we worked in our cursive booklets.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday by Josiah and Tallulah

In Betsy’s math class we did two Kakooma puzzles, worked on DynaMath, and reviewed multiplication with decimals. Kim’s math class did a code with numbers and letters and Magic Squares. In science we continued to work on our ball project by measuring the circumference, the mass, and the bounces. In social studies we had a map and had to find Virginia. We also did a word search about Virginia. Now we are going to Spanish and then to play practice.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Strawberry Festival Volunteers Needed

Just over two weeks left until the Strawberry Festival! Sign up for your top choice of shifts before they all fill up! To sign up, go to, click on the strawberry at the top, and scroll down to "Sign up for Berry Cleaning and Festival Days here!" Click the link to go to the form. More detailed information about festival jobs can be found under the "Committee Description" tab on the Blog. If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact Katlyn ( Each parent is expected to volunteer 12 hours each towards the festival. Shifts are already filling up, so get your requests in today to get your top pick. Thanks Berry Much!
Berry Cleaning - Thursday, May 3 @ Murray's Cider (103 Murray's Farm Road, Roanoke)

Festival Days - Friday, May 4, and Saturday, May 5 @ Elmwood Park


We will go to Camp Bethel tomorrow for The Sounds of the Mountains Festival. We will leave at 9:15 and return to school by 1:30. 

Our class is in charge of the Bake Sale next Wednesday, April 25th.

On, Friday, April 27th, we are going to The Frontier Culture Museum in Staunton. We will leave at 9:00 and return to school by the end of the school day.

Please remember the date for Arts Festival was changed to Friday, May 18th.

Our Independent Study Project Museum will be Friday, May 25th.  

Thursday by Tallulah and Connor

In Betsy’s math class we changed fractions to decimals and changed decimals to fractions. We also worked on DynaMath and Kakooma puzzles. Kim’s math class finished papers we have been working on. Holly read to us from The Candymaker while we drew. We practiced our song for the play. We worked on our Independent Study Project and we made cursive writing folders. Now we are going to computer.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday by Connor and Tallulah

In Betsy’s math class we tried to figure out how to write the digits 1-8 in eight squares but none of the consecutive numbers could be adjacent to each other. We learned how to multiply decimals. We also learned how to do Kakooma puzzles. Kim’s math class did a paper with squares that had dots. We learned about opened and closed figures. In buddies with Katlyn we made cards for wounded soldiers. In drama we worked on our play. This afternoon we worked on our Independent Research Projects. We also corrected sentences on the board. In art we worked on our Arts Festival Projects and we did free-drawing.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday by Tallulah

Before school started everyone went to the dome for a school picture. Kim’s math class did a code where letters stood for other letters and we had to figure out the code. Betsy’s math class added and subtracted decimals. In art we worked on our Arts Festival projects. After art we did a Magic Squares word puzzle. This afternoon we started working on our Independent Study Projects. We learned how to write bibliography cards and began doing our research. Betsy talked to us about the projects we are going to do at home. We decorated big envelopes to keep our information in while Betsy read a story to us.

Monday by Tallulah

In Kim’s math class we worked on a Revolutionary War project in groups and we played games that had to do with measuring. Betsy’s math class learned about decimals, how to write them, and how they relate to fractions. We also played An Hour or Bust to the Minute and the class beat Betsy again. In science we continued our investigation of which type of ball bounces the highest. In social studies we finished our political cartoons about the Revolutionary War. We had Spanish and a long play practice.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday by Sierra and Connor

In Betsy’s math class we worked on DynaMath and played SNAKE. Kim’s math class did worksheets and played math games. After Fruit Break we worked with words we misspelled on our homework and read our books. In music we made egg shakers, then we went to drama to practice the end of our play. This afternoon we did a Following Directions activity and played The Storytelling Game. Now we are going to computer class.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday by Connor and Sierra

In Kim’s math class we worked on the worksheets on Magic Squares. We also did a crossword puzzle on George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. In Betsy’s math class we did the same three groups we did yesterday. In drama we worked on singing and dancing and the choreography for Wonderland. We helped our buddies in Katlyn’s class make cards for Katlyn. In class we got our homework for our Museum Project. In art we worked on our Arts Festival project. After art we did a Mad Lib and read.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday by Sierra and Connor

Kim’s math class learned about Franklin’s Magic Squares and we figured them out ourselves and did worksheets similar to the magic square. Betsy’s math class played Math Blaster on the laptops, worked long multiplication and long division problems on the white boards, and played either Roll 5 or Product Tac Toe. In art we made summer drawings. In class we made words out of the letters in taxing. This afternoon we wrote about the topics we want to do for the Independent Research Projects. We read and corrected sentences on the board. We also took a brain break and came up with ideas for how Betsy’s friend could eat cheese puffs without getting orange stuff on papers.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday by Connor and Sierra

In Betsy’s math class we worked in our folders and worked on a problem about how old one of Betsy’s friends is. It had to be a multiple of 5 this year and a multiple of 4 next year. In Kim’s math class we went to the computer lab and played Math Blaster. In science we are going to investigate how high different balls bounce and if the circumference changes the results. Today we measured the circumference of five different balls. In social studies we are learning about what started the Revolutionary War by reading humorous comic strips. This afternoon we have Spanish and then a long play practice.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday by Ethan and Ben

Betsy’s math class played a game called An Hour or Bust to the Minute. We played against Betsy and the class won. Kim’s math class did puzzles and worked with our little buddies in Katlyn’s class. After Fruit Break we read to our buddies in Katlyn’s class. In both drama and art we worked on Arts Festival projects. We read and played Bananagrams.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday by Ben and Ethan

Today in Betsy’s math class we finished work and corrected papers to put in our math portfolios. Kim’s math class worked on crossword puzzles and sorted papers for our portfolios. In art we worked on our Arts Festival fans. In class we put together our portfolios and shared our Book Projects. Now we are going to work on our Thing-a-ma-jiggers with our buddies in Tulie’s class.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday by Ethan and Ben

Betsy’s math class played a game called Roll 5. You use 5 number cubes. First you roll 2 of them. The product is your target number. Then you roll all 5 and use those to make an equation that equals the target number. We worked in our DynaMath booklets. Kim’s math class did a George Washington and Thomas Jefferson crossword puzzle. In class we worked on our stories and put papers into our science notebooks. In Spanish we played a game where the leader said a vowel and passed a rubber ball and whoever had the ball said the vowel sound.

*From Betsy

Conference portfolios will be sent home tomorrow.
Tomorrow is Zero Waste Lunch Day. We encourage everyone to bring a lunch that does not contain packaging that must be thrown away.

Our class is in charge of the Bake Sale this Wednesday. This is a busy time of year. If you have time to send something in, that would be great. If not, please don’t stress about it or go out of your way.

We are preparing our Thing-a-ma-jiggers for the parade on Friday. Children may bring in items from home to add to their creations. Join us, if you can, on Friday at 10:30 for the parade.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday by Ethan and Lucas

Betsy’s math class learned to play a game called Clear the Board. You play by rolling 3 die and using the numbers to get rid of the numbers 1 -12. Then we did Dynamath and played the game again at the end. Kim’s math class worked on their folders. Betsy read "Bartholomew and the Oobleck" and we made oobleck for our Jellybead Celebration. We corrected sentences on the board and counted the Jellybeads. We had 535! We painted boxes with our buddies in Tulie’s class for the Thing-a-ma-jigger parade next Friday.
We will be working on our Thing-a-ma-jiggers next week. We would appreciate any recyclable items that you would like to send that will add to the excitement and originality of our creations.
Our class is in charge of the Bake Sale on Wednesday.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday by Ethan and Lucas

Kim’s math class worked in our folders. Betsy’s math class worked on DynaMath. We also learned a new multiplication game called Product Tac Toe. The class beat Betsy! It was fun. In music we practiced our play. In science we made a stable cube and a tetrahedron with straws.  

Note from Betsy

Tomorrow is Pajama Day.
Our class is hosting the Bake Sale next week - Wednesday, March 28.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday by Lucas and Ethan

In Betsy’s math class we worked in our Dynamath booklets and played a mean and median game with cards. In Kim’s math class we finished worksheets.  We helped our buddies in Katlyn’s class make Thing 1 and Thing 2 puppets. We practiced our Wonderland play in drama. In class we worked on our stories, animals, and limericks. In art we worked on our fans. We played a game called The Storytelling Game.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday by Ethan

Betsy’s math class worked on the animal and insect measurement packets. We learned the beginning of a new game called Odd One Out and did part of a brainteaser about how many students are in a class. We have to wait until tomorrow to find out more about both of those. Betsy read "If I Ran the Zoo" by Dr. Seuss. We made up our own animals to go in the zoo. We also worked on our stories and/or our limericks. When we went outside we wore the sunglasses we decorated last Friday. In Spanish we played a food chain game.  

Friday, March 16, 2012

Green Friday by Sarah P. and Lucas

In Betsy’s math class we made a pie chart for Pi to the 100th decimal. We had the Egg Drop and almost all the UE eggs survived. After the Egg Drop we wrote about our creation and drew a picture of it. We got an email back from SSG Thomas, He answered all of our questions. Some of us wrote back to him and some people wrote letters to family members. We are about to go to Buddies and decorate sunglasses, then we have Spanish.

Thursday by Lucas and Sarah P.

During Hollytime, Holly continued reading the book "Candymaker". In music we practiced our songs for the play and we did some American Folk songs. We went to computer.

Lucas: Kim's math class did multiplication.

Sarah P.: Betsy's math class did packets about animals height and weight. I realized I don't weigh a lot. I am under the average for a typical 4th grader.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wacky Wednesday

Today was a very exciting day! Today was Pi Day so in math Betsy’s math group made Pi bracelets and learned about Pi. We measured the circumference and diameter of different circular items. Then we divided the circumference by the diameter. Kim’s math class did multiplication worksheets.  We helped our buddies in Katlyn’s class make their Egg Drop containers and helped them fly their kites.. In drama we practiced our play and in art we made collages and bracelets. We spent the rest of the afternoon creating our containers for the Egg Drop.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday by Lucas and Sarah P.

On Wednesday and Thursday, we will be creating containers for the Egg Drop. Children may bring in materials to share. Parents are invited to attend the Egg Drop on Friday, March 16 at 10:30.

Kim’s math class went to the computer lab and played Math Blaster. Betsy's math class started work on the March DynaMath. After Fruit Break we made a picture graph and a two-coordinate graph with the information we recorded for the swingers on Friday. We also flew the kites that we decorated last Friday. In Spanish we tasted food and said their names in Spanish. We started writing limericks for Poetry Day. Now we are going to music.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Crazy Shoes Friday by Sarah P. and Lorraine

Betsy's math class did multiplication wrap-ups and finished the symmetrical Seussical flowers. Kim's math class made origami stars. In science we made swingers of different lengths and timed the swings for each length. We finished our temples in Spanish and talked about the animals we researched. We have a new Spanish homework assignment. We have to write the facts about our animals in Spanish. After lunch we traced our feet and decorated them. We decorated kites with our buddies in Tulie's class.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday by Lorraine and Sarah P.

In Betsy’s math class we finished the range, mean, median, and mode problems. Kim’s math class finished the square inch books. After Fruit Break we read a letter with pictures from SSG Thomas and wrote back to him. We practiced the songs for Alice in Wonderland in music. In class we read and worked on our stories. Now we are going to computer class.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday by Sarah P. and Lorraine

Betsy’s math class learned about mean, median, mode, and range. In Kim’s math class we are making books about an inch square. In art we made friendship bracelets. In class we worked on our Rube Goldberg machines, edited and began rewriting our stories, corrected sentences on the board, and played Contraction SWAT.  Betsy read the rest of the stories from Dr. Seuss’s The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Funny Hat Monday by Sarah P.

Betsy read The Cat in the Hat Comes Back and we drew what would happen if The Cat in the Hat came to our house. We went to the symphony. It was great! Mr. Wiley and Robin Reed talked to us when it was over. When we got back we had Fruit Break and finished drawing in our sketchbooks. We wrote letters to Mr. Wiley and read. In Spanish we made temples. Now we are going to music.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Seussical Friday

Betsy's math class created symmetrical Seussical flowers. After Fruit Break we had cake and sang Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss. Betsy finished reading The Mystery of Roanoke and read The Bippolo Seed by Dr. Seuss. After lunch we finished reading Super Science and read in our books. We helped our buddies in Tulie's class measure stuffed animals. We had Spanish.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday by Connor

We had Hollytime and music. After recess the whole school made a  Friendship Circle and exchanged the friendship bracelets we made. Everybody ate together outside. After lunch  we read Super Science, played Bananagrams, and corrected sentences on the board.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday by Lorraine and Connor

Betsy’s math class did a worksheet on Leap Day math. In art we’re making friendship bracelets. In drama we found out what parts we have in the Arts Festival play. We played our Book Project games and Betsy read to us from The Mystery of Roanoke.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday by Connor and Lorraine

Kim’s math class measured our feet. Betsy’s math class worked on a long pre-algebra problem and learned how to multiply fractions. In art we’re making friendship bracelets. We wrote stories. First we listed characters, settings and problems, then each person got two characters, a setting and a problem to write about.  Betsy read to us from The Mystery of Roanoke.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday by Lorraine and Connor

Betsy’s math class did a pre-algebra problem and worked in our DynaMath booklets. Kim’s math class measured in paces. C.F. and B.S. measured the school boundaries. It was 600 paces. We performed our puppet shows for Emily and Keri’s classes. We did a Mad Lib about Abraham Lincoln. In science we learned about Rube Goldberg and began designing our own Rube Goldberg contraptions. We had Spanish and now we are going to music.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday by Connor and Misha

Kim’s math class worked on place value. Betsy’s math class played a fraction game using dominoes. We performed our puppet shows for four classes: Sharon, Tulie, Beth, and Kim. We had Poetry Day and Spanish.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday by Misha and Connor

Betsy’s math class finished the Snowman Project. Kim’s math class is working on place value. Today in class we finished making props for our puppet shows, then we practiced. We sang Carry Me Back to Ole Virginny in music. Betsy read to us from The Mystery of Roanoke. Now we are going to computer class.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday and Wednesday by Misha and Connor.

Yesterday we went to see “Alice in Wonderland”. When we got back we watched the Mardi Gras parade. They threw coins and necklaces. We worked on our puppet shows, read, wrote about the snow, and played a vocabulary game.

Today in Kim’s math class we worked on writing directions to different places. Betsy’s math class started a project called Snowman Construction Company. We had to choose parts of a snowman. The finished snowman can not weigh more than 50 lbs. and cost more than $25.00. We made props for our puppet shows. We performed our puppet shows for Katlyn's class. In art we’re working on a picture and then adding onto it. In drama we read through the script for our play, “Alice in Wonderland”.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday by Daisy

Kim’s math class estimated how many steps it takes to get from the classroom door to the bathroom. Betsy’s math class did a number puzzle, worked on DynaMath, and played a perimeter game. During music we saw Kim’s drama class’s performances. After lunch we practiced our puppet shows, read our books, wrote down 100 things we are grateful for, and read Science News.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday by Misha and Daisy

Kim’s math class figured how many steps it took to walk across the blacktop. Betsy’s math class did number puzzles, worked in Dynamath, and played HOG with three dice. After Fruit Break we helped our little buddies in Katlyn’s class finish their snow people. In drama we performed our plays. We After lunch worked with the puppets for our fairy tales and went to see Keri’s class perform their play. We also went outside and listened to C. B.’s dad’s band play music.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day by Daisy and Misha

Today in Betsy’s math class we did a “Heartbreaking” puzzle for Valentine’s Day. We had to make as many shapes as we could with the parts of the heart. Kim’s math class worked in groups. After art we took our Valentine cards to Kim’s class. Our schedule was mixed up. First we ate lunch then we went to recess. During lunchtime we had our drama dress rehearsal. After drama we corrected sentences on the board. We had our party and opened Valentines.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday by Daisy and Misha

In Kim’s math class we did groups. Betsy’s math class worked on DynaMath, played fraction I Have Who Has and Around the World. We made Valentine cards, read, and wrote friendly adjectives about the people in our class. Betsy wrote the wordas on hearts with our names and put them in the window. After Spanish we chose our poems for Poetry Day. We wrote them down and put them in our binders. Now we are going to music.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday by Nick and Daisy

Betsy’s math class played a fraction addition game called Four-Sums. It was like Bingo only we had to add fractions. After Fruit Break we worked on our Fairy Tale puppet shows. In science we examined different kinds of screws. Tulie had to leave so our Buddies in her class ate lunch with us. After lunch we all did a "following directions" activity. Betsy read the description of an alien and we drew each part. After that we listened to a Shel Silverstein CD of Where the Sidewalk Ends. Some people crocheted and some drew and colored. Now we are all going to Spanish.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday by Daisy and Nick

We had Hollytime. She read a book about Valentine’s Day. In music we voted on the song we want to sing for the fundraiser. We worked on our stories, read, played the sentence correction game on the board, and watched a squirrel hanging upside-down in the tree outside our classroom.. Now we are going to computer class.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday by Nick and Daisy

We are working on equivalent fractions in math. We made snowmen with our buddies in Katlyn’s class. In drama we had a dress rehearsal and in art we worked in our journals. We read our books and did the rewriting on our fairy tales. Betsy started a new book, The Mystery of Roanoke, and we crocheted and drew while she read to us.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday by Daisy and Nick

Betsy’s math class worked in our folders, mostly on DynaMath. We also did I Have,Who Has with multiplication. In class we made levers. We put a rock on one end and a cup on the other and added paperclips until we raised the rock. We moved the fulcrum and did it again. We had Spanish and music. In music the second years had their ukulele party. We read our books and Betsy read to us from the book Ribbiting Tales.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday by Nick and Scott

Betsy’s math class did a fraction pre-algebra problem then we worked in our DynaMath booklets and used the multiplication Wrap-Ups. After Fruit Break we read in our books and did a Mad-Lib. The finished stories were funny! After lunch two Middle Schoolers talked to us about the auditions for the Talent Show, then we played Scrabble Slam! Our Buddies in Tulie’s class are learning about shadows, so for Buddytime we went outside and drew around our shadows and the shadows of other things we could find.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday by Scott and Nick

Today Betsy’s math class learned how to simplify fractions. After Fruit Break we read to our little buddies in Katlyn’s class. In drama we practiced our plays that we’re performing on Feb. 15. In science we had a bunch of plastic gears and we worked in groups to put them together so they all moved when we turned one gear. We also worked on our fairy tale puppet shows. In art we drew pictures for the Strawberry Festival t-shirt contest.


It is with great sadness that we share the news of the death last weekend of Chris Pressley, father of Madeleine, Sarah, and Audrey. Please join us as we offer our support to these CS students and their mother Amy Trowell. Services are Thursday at 6:00 pm at Metropolitan Community Church of the Blue Ridge at 806 Jamison Avenue, SE. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the mental health organization of your choice.

We have talked with our classes and the children have made cards for Sarah. Your child may have questions and concerns. Please feel free to talk with me if you feel the necessity.

Tuesday by Nick and Scott

We played equation games in Betsy's math class. In art we worked on our tissue paper collages. We learned how to crochet to help make a hyperbolic coral reef that will be on display at Roanoke College. We shared our Book Projects.

Monday by Scott and Nick

We reviewed mixed numerals and improper fractions in math. In Spanish we worked in our books. We learned about gears in science and cut out paper gears and put them together on paper. Today we worked on our puppet shows and read in our books. Now we are going to music.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday by Scott

Today we wrote onomatopoeia poems. We put them on construction paper and decorated them. In music we practiced our ukuleles and recorders. Most of us got new belts. In math Betsy’s class learned how to change mixed numerals into improper fractions and improper fraction into mixed numerals. We had Hollytime. She is reading The Candymaker to us. Now we are going to computer class.

We made $22.00 more dollars from the Bake Sale today. Thank you!!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday by Scott and Cassie

In Betsy’s math class we learned how to add and subtract fractions with like denominators. After Fruit Break we read to our little buddies in Katlyn’s class. In drama we practiced our plays and in art we added to our tissue paper collages. In class we worked in groups to brainstorm ideas for fractured fairy tale puppet shows. Our bake sale brought in $40.00! There are things left over, so we can buy something tomorrow, too.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday by Scott and Cassie

Betsy’s math class did some pre-algebra and learned about greatest common factors and least common multiples. In art we worked on our tissue paper collages. We read our books and wrote alliterative sentences about a character. Betsy read The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig. In science we investigated the wheel and axle by comparing how much force it took to move a stack of books with and without the help of a wheel and axle.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bake Sale Wednesday

Please remember our Bake Sale on Wednesday. If you have time, either store bought or homemade is fine.

Thank you!

Monday by Cassie and Scott

Betsy read The Three Pigs to us. It was funny and a little weird. Betsy’s math class did Mental Math and worked on DynaMath. In Spanish we worked on Spanish booklets. We had to fill in the blanks with the correct Spanish words. We read Science News and learned that lizards have interesting ways to escape from predators. Some can run across water and others shed their tales if a predator grabs them by the tail. We worked in groups to make words out of letters that were in a 3 x 3 box. The letters had to connect to each other. After Spanish we corrected sentences that were on the board then we got our portfolios for Conference Day. Now we are going to music.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday by Cassie and Sarah E.

During math we went to the music room and listened to the Middle School Rock Band Friday Group play. We read some more Cinderella books. We wrote stories and passed them around and each person in the group added to it, then we read them to the whole class. They were funny.  Betsy taught us a game called Alva where you have two sets of cards. One set has topics and one set has letters. You turn over one of each set and name something beginning with the letter that fits the topic. Whoever says it first gets the cards. During Buddytime with Tulie’s class we made Valentine cards for the Troops. We used candy canes to make hearts. Now we are going to Spanish.  

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday by Sarah E. and Cassie

Betsy’s math class worked on long multiplication. Kim’s math class got new folders. We went through old papers and put finished work in the new folders. Holly read to us and then we went to music. In music we learned about the base clef notes. In science we used spring scales to find out how much force it takes to pull objects up inclined planes. Now we are going to computer class.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday by Cassie and Sarah E.

Today we had Buddies with Katlyn and we made watercolor snowflakes. Betsy’s math class worked on long multiplication. Kim’s math class worked in their brown folders. We practiced our plays in drama. In class we read different versions of Cinderella and we corrected sentences that Betsy wrote on the board. .

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday by Sarah E. and Cassie

Today we worked on our tissue paper collages in art. Some people ate lunch with Louise and practiced our play. In class we made covers for sketchbook journals. We learned about simple machines in science and investigated inclined planes. We played Bananagrams.

Message from Betsy:

Parents of The Telescopic Group can find Kim's blog at:

The Detectives are in charge of the Bake Sale on Wednesday, January 25th. Please send homemade or store-bought items in for us to sell. Thank you.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday by Ari and Connor

In Kim’s math class we played Math Blaster in the computer lab. Betsy’s math class worked on DynaMath and we did a paper on Martin Luther King. We had Poetry Day and went to the Local Hero Award Ceremony. In class we put some papers in our Science Notebooks and got homework writing papers back.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday by Connor and Ari

In Betsy’s math class we did Mental Math and worked on papers we needed to finish. In Kim’s math class we did Music Math Facts and worked in our packets and finished some math puzzles. Holly wasn’t here for Hollytime, so Betsy read funny short stories about frogs. In music we studied rhythm. Elena read a book to us about Martin Luther King, Jr. in Spanish. In class we read and we corrected sentences that Betsy wrote on the board. Now we are going to computer class.  

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday by Ari and Connor

In Kim’s math class some people did Cool Stuff Store. We worked on each other’s math homework. In Betsy’s math class we did Mental math then we worked on DynaMath and other papers. In class we did a word search that gave us a riddle then we had to find as many words as we could. We also filled out a form about Conference Day. We read to our buddies in Katlyn’s class. We worked on our plays in drama and some people had lunch in drama. Today was Pizza Day. In art we worked more on our collages.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday by Connor and Ari

Today we went to art and we are doing a collage with only blues, greens, and violets with complimentary colors like silver. Kim’s math class went to the computer lab and planned the Cool Stuff Store. We are starting the store tomorrow. Betsy’s math class worked in our folders and played Hog. In class we talked about Martin Luther King, Jr. then we did a paper about him. “The Twenty-One Balloons” group discussed the book with Betsy.  We wrote in our writing journals and read.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday with Ari and Connor

In Betsy’s math class we worked on finishing and correcting papers. In Kim’s math class we worked in our math packets and did Music Math Facts. In Spanish we started new Spanish booklets. In science we made tetrahedrons and added papers to our science notebooks. This afternoon we read. Now we are going to learn how to play Alva before we go to music.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday by Ari and Noah

In Kim’s math class we went to the computer lab and played Math Blaster. In Betsy’s math class we worked in our DynaMath booklets and played Math Blaster on the laptops. In science we made stable cubes out of straws and connectors. Betsy gave us some extra time after lunch to play. After lunch we did an activity out of Play by the Rules. We had to listen to directions and draw things in 16 different squares. Then we had to add certain things to each one to make them into something else. We painted with water outside with our buddies in Tulie’s class because they are learning about water. We were drawing and one person spilled their water, so we all started to pour water on it and spread it out. Now we are going to Spanish. After Spanish we are going to see how much of the water evaporated.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday by Noah and Ari

Betsy’s math class worked in our DynaMath booklets and did some number tricks with the calculator. One was using our birthdates. In Kim’s math class we did music math facts and worked on the Cool Stuff Store and our math journals. Holly read to us and then we went to music where we wrote a paragraph about recorder and ukulele karate. After lunch we read, worked on our writing pieces, and corrected sentences that Betsy wrote on the board. Now we are going to computer class.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday by Ari and Noah

Kim’s math class planned what we’re going to do for the Cool Stuff Store and worked in our folders. In Betsy’s math class we played Math Blaster on the laptops and worked in our DynaMath booklets. At the end we played Around the World. We had Buddies with Katlyn and made cards for the Troops. In drama we worked on our plays. After lunch we wrote our poems for Poetry Day. We wrote poems about people we think are heroes. After that we mounted the poems we wrote yesterday onto construction paper and read in our books. In art we worked on our resolutions so we can put them in our journals.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday by Noah and Ari

In Betsy’s math class we kept working in our Dynamath booklets and played a game with dice in domes. We had to roll them and do what the dice showed. Then we added the scores. Kim’s math class finished more of the information about whales. We added the whale miles and how many breeches they did, then we worked in our folders. In art we worked in our art journals and wrote New Year’s resolutions. After art w talked about the science investigation we did yesterday. We learned that the structures needed to have triangles to be stable. That’s what the braces made when we added them to the figures. Betsy read “The Important Book” to us and we wrote poems about ourselves. We read and did a parts of speech Mad-Lib. Before dismissal we played Bop-It.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year! by Ari and Noah

Before math we shared about our Winter Break. In Kim’s math class we finished studying about whales. We’re in groups. Mirage is tied with Erosion. We also finished other work. Betsy’s math class made corrections in our DynaMath booklets. We also did a trick with the calculator using our birthdays. In Spanish Deven asked what our New Year’s resolution was in Spanish and we answered in English. In science we used strips of paper and brads to make shapes, then we used more strips as braces to make them stable. Betsy finished reading Home of the Brave. Now we are going to music.