Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Camp Roanoke by Sierra and Connor

Yesterday we went to Camp Roanoke. It was awesome!!! We climbed a 44 foot climbing wall. We also did a thing called the Giant’s Ladder. The steps were much wider than normal. We had to work with a partner to try to climb the steps. We did a Blind man’s Maze. You worked with a partner. One person was blindfolded and the other one had to tell how to get through the maze. Then we switched. It was hard, but fun. We also did a giant spider web. We had to get the whole team through the web without touching the strings. The day was fun!!!!!!

Today we got to share our Book Projects. That was fun, too.

*Notes from Betsy:

We raised $30.00 with the Goody Sale. Many thanks to parents who sent items in.
Keep an eye out for photos of our experiencec at Camp Roanoke. The children were amazing. I couldn't be more proud of the team work, supprt, and encouragement I observed yesterday.

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