Monday, September 12, 2011

A New Week by Ari and Noah

In Kim’s math class some people were using cubes to get to 100 in different ways. Other people did math work. Betsy’s math class did Mental Math, worked in DynaMath booklets, and played PIG. We had social studies with Kim. We looked in mirrors and tried to draw ourselves, Then we had science with Betsy. We learned about how our eyes work together. One thing we did was make a paper tube and when we put it next to our hand it looked like we could see through our hands. We did colors in Spanish. After Spanish we figured out our class name skit. Now we are going outside for some extra play time before music.

*Notes from Betsy
Our trip to Camp Roanoke has been changed from Thursday, September 29th to Tuesday, September 27th.
The Upper Elementary Gathering is Thursday at 7:30 in my classroom. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you there.
Please check Kim's blog for a more in-depth explanation of her social studies and math activities.

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