Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday by Connor and Sierra

In Kim’s math class we did a worksheet about classification. In Betsy’s math class we did some pre-algebra and a worksheet about angles. We had to draw lines inside a square to create angles and answer questions about them. Some of us had sibling photos taken. In Spanish we had to say, write, and spell our names in Spanish. It was hard. In social studies we drew while Kim read a book to us. In science we found leaves and drew them. Then we had to describe them. We exchanged papers and tried to find the leaf that was described. Now we are going to music.

*Notes from Betsy:
The Telescopic Group will host the Goody Sale on Wednesday, September 28. Please send items to sell.
Tomorrow, September 27 is our trip to Camp Roanoke. All children should wear closed-toed shoes. Please have your child at school on time as we will leave school at 9:00. Although we will be off campus for the day, the weekly homework and Book Project are still due.
Our individual photos will be taken on Wednesday, September 28.
The Fall Festival form and $40.00 payment are due on Friday, September 29.

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